I really need to be better at identifying the things I’m grateful for. Don’t get me wrong, I’m no Ebenezer Scrooge when it comes to the things in my life that I have. What I am saying is that I just need to take more time to focus on the good than the wanted.
More often than not I always have the next goal or accomplishment already thought out. Life starts to take on a series of things I need to do. Things aren’t urgent, but they’re not getting put off either. I need to take more time to enjoy instead of accomplish.
The child in me, that was forced to be an adult too soon, is the driving factor in a lot of this, but I also know that if I don’t do it it won’t get done. There’s nobody else for things to fall back on.
I’ve learned that I need to take time for self comfort and self care in the absence of the ones I would normally seek for that. It means I have to program rest and relaxation into the day. I love naps (mostly on the weekends), but if there’s a goal I’m aiming for then some things, including self care, come off the plate to make room for the things I really want.
I’ve already accomplished a lot in life - there’s still more I want to do. I guess at this stage I get to be a little more picky about what they are. I don’t feel behind or that I’ve missed the boat by waiting too long to start (albeit having a kid might have been a thing to do earlier). But I don’t feel bad about that. That’s a discussion for another day.


I’m the Guy behind the curtain.


Memorial Day